Early Morning Adult Swim Program

For 2024 season, the EMAS rules have changed.  Below are the changes:

  1. Effective May 1st, 2024, SC1 EMAS access must be applied for each year.  Click on the application below to apply.
  2. Effective May 1st, 2024, SC2 you must fill out the waiver and release agreement to access the Woody Creek pool during EMAS hours.

For EMAS access to SC1/4 pool or SC3 pool, you may complete the form online: Sugar Creek Community Pools – EMAS Waiver.

For EMAS access to SC 2 pool, you may complete the form online: Woody Creek EMAS Access

EMAS access is limited to Sugar Creek residents, and to current year affiliate members. You must agree to EMAS rules and regulations, and complete a waiver of liability form.

Residents of Sugar Creek can apply for EMAS access to any pool, but they must fill out each form.

Affiliate members only have EMAS access to the pool program they join (Either SC1/4 and SC3 or SC2)

There are no lifeguards during the adult swim hours.